1README 11/02/1992 To allow Front-Page-News to print articles type SETUP at the CD-ROM drive prompt. This program will automatically copy a small configuration file to your hard disk and modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT after backing it up. If you have already used previous Front-Page-News disks or do not wish to print, running SETUP is not necessary. To run the program simply type FPN, while at the CD-ROM drive DOS prompt. Press the SPACE bar, then enter your search term(s), and press ENTER. Your first article will appear on the screen. Use TAB to view the next article, SHIFT/TAB to view the previous article. To learn more, type MANUAL at the DOS prompt or press F1 for help while in the program. Explore the various sections of the manual to answer questions that you may have. Be sure to read and understand the introductory screens at the beginning of the program. They have several examples to guide you with more complicated searches. GOOD SEARCHING!